Plenum Lay Up Mandrel
Design build 737 Plenum Tooling – Pressure reaction tooling that allows for removal of jig-saw type tooling after a part is cured.

Tube Ring Insertion Tool
Critical alignment for manufacture and installation of
submarine mounted missile tubes.

Tube Ring Lifting Fixture

Aircraft Hydraulic Test Fittings
High pressure test fittings for hydraulic system flow tests.

Gulfstream G-4 Wing Stringer Mill Fixture
Design build for use in 100 configurations, the fixture supports multiple extrusion

Aircraft Spar Rotation Fixture
Design, manufacture & install spar rotation fixture, used in composite spar inspection processes for 777x program.

Tube Access Platform & covers
Fast deployment missile tube access cages manufactured & delivered ahead of schedule.

Rocket lift and turnover system
Provide engineering analysis for rocket manufacturer lift and turnover station. Extremely low deflection allowance system analyzed utilizing finite element analysis. Dynamic loading including seismic and impact loads.

Airbus A319 Gear Rib Rotation Mill Fixture
Design Build – Reduce set-up time by 75%, equal to three days per ship set. Low cost rotation and lock out.

Commercial Aircraft Test Fixture
Design build custom text fixtures for recertification of inservice airplane components for a FAA repair station.

Aircraft test fittings for 6,000 psi hydraulic system tests during aircraft assembly
Space Flight Hardware
J Lawrence Industries has manufactured more than 750 various parts and pieces for NASA.

Multiple versions of the NASA Viper Chassis were manufactured.

Viper Drill Upper Support – 6″ x 25″